Library Opens ▪ 8:00 am Mon-Fri; 2:00 pm Sun Closes ▪ 8:00 pm Mon-Thu & 1:00 pm Fri; 6:00pm Sun
EBSCO provides two collections of electronic books (ebooks) for registered Kilgore College Library users:
The Kilgore College Collection contains more than 20,000 titles covering most subject areas, with many titles in the areas of literature, business, history, health/medicine, sociology, and religion. Science, philosophy, computer science, and education books are also available. Some of the general interest titles include Cliff Notes, career guides, travel guides, and consumer health titles. You must be a currently enrolled Kilgore College student, faculty or staff member to access this collection. EBSCO books may also be accessed through the online catalog.
The Public Collection contains thousands of titles in the public domain, including classic fiction, speeches, government reports, and other electronic texts.
In order to access and utilize these ebooks, your browser must be java-enabled and able to accept cookies. Please refer to your browser's Help files for assistance. When you visit EBSCO for the first time, you will need to register a personal account. Users may exclusively view an ebook for as long as you wish, however after 15 minutes of inactivity the book becomes available for others to view.
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Randolph C. Watson Library 1100 Broadway -- Kilgore, Texas 75662 |
Phone: 903.983.8237
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