OER Online Resources

Check with your instructor before using these resources.

Achieve the Core: ELA/Literacy Lessons [and Assessments]
Subjects, Topics or Strengths: Lessons designed to highlight the ELA/literacy Shifts and expectations of college- and career-ready standards.
Achieve the Core: Mathematics Lessons (and Assessments]
Subjects, Topics or Strengths: Lessons that illustrate the Focus, Coherence, and Rigor of college- and career-ready standards.
Annenberg Learner
Subjects, Topics or Strengths: Multimedia resources for K-12 classroom instruction and teacher professional development
Subjects, Topics or Strengths: ArXiv is a free distribution service and an open-access archive for 1,714,621 scholarly articles in the fields of physics, mathematics, computer science, quantitative biology, quantitative finance, statistics, electrical engineering and systems science, and economics. Materials on this site are not peer-reviewed by arXiv.
Better Lesson
CC Search
Subjects, Topics or Strengths: images
Instructions or Cautions: https://creativecommons.org/terms/
Subjects, Topics or Strengths: Explore class-level insights and new time-saving teaching tools!
Dataset Search
Subjects, Topics or Strengths: Data from federal government
Digital Commons Network
Subjects, Topics or Strengths: culturally significant movies
DOAB (Directory of Open Access Books)
Subjects, Topics or Strengths: 28513 Academic peer-reviewed books from 382 publishers
DPLA (Digital Public Library of America)
Subjects, Topics or Strengths: 37M items
Instructions or Cautions: https://dp.la/about/terms-conditions
Subjects, Topics or Strengths: Strong focus on Biology
Instructions or Cautions: https://datadryad.org/stash/terms
Subjects, Topics or Strengths: Edcite enables teachers to create high-quality, easily customizable, interactive content to fit their class.
Subjects, Topics or Strengths: EDSITEment offers free resources for teachers, students, and parents searching for high-quality K-12 humanities education materials in the subject areas of history and social studies, literature and language arts, foreign languages, arts, and culture.
Edutopia: Open Educational Resources (OER): Resource Roundup
Subjects, Topics or Strengths: An educators’ guide to open educational resources with information about online repositories, curriculum-sharing websites, and sources for lesson plans and activities.
Great Minds
Subjects, Topics or Strengths: Great Minds makes knowledge accessible to all in the form of high-quality curricula in mathematics, English language arts, science, and more.
Subjects, Topics or Strengths: Free educational resources for middle school to colleges
Subjects, Topics or Strengths: iBerry is now focused on Open Education for Climate Change and the Environment.
IOER (Illinois Open Educational Resources)
Khan Academy
Subjects, Topics or Strengths: Khan Academy offers practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard that empower learners to study at their own pace in and outside of the classroom.
Learning Registry
Subjects, Topics or Strengths: The Learning Registry (LR) is a new approach to capturing, connecting, and sharing data based information to help our users make an informed purchase decision.
Learning Registry [Educators]
Library of Congress (Selections from the National Film Industry)
Subjects, Topics or Strengths: Culturally significant movies
Subjects, Topics or Strengths: Includes iOS app, tutorials, animations, online courses, and more
MERLOT [Materials]
Subjects, Topics or Strengths: 2124 pieces of music
Subjects, Topics or Strengths: Includes primary sources
OER Commons
Subjects, Topics or Strengths: Includes lessons plans, student guides, lectures, and more
Instructions or Cautions: Some materials for instructors
Open Access Button
Instructions or Cautions: Not keyword search.
Open Book Publishers
Subjects, Topics or Strengths: All our books are available to read online and download for free
Instructions or Cautions: Physical copies are for sale, online is free
Open Culture
Subjects, Topics or Strengths:Open Culture brings together high-quality cultural & educational media for the worldwide lifelong learning community.
Subjects, Topics or Strengths: Openly Licensed Educational Resources
Orange Grove
OV The Open Video Project
PBS Learning Media
Project Gutenberg
Subjects, Topics or Strengths: 60,000 free e-books with a focus on older works for which U.S. copyright has expired
Instructions or Cautions: mostly literary works
Re3data.org (Regisrty of Research Data Repositories)
Subjects, Topics or Strengths: Science
Share My Lesson
Smithsonian Learning Lab
Unbound Ed
Subjects, Topics or Strengths: Over 26M free scholarly articles.
Instructions or Cautions: This is an extension to add to your browser.
Wikimedia Commons  

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