Computer & Internet Use Policy

The Randolph C. Watson Library strives to insure that students, faculty, and staff of Kilgore College have the right and means to free and open access to ideas and information fundamental to and constitutionally protected in our democratic society. The Watson Library will protect intellectual freedom, promote literacy, encourage lifelong learning, and provide library materials and information services supporting open access to information. This document defines acceptable use, unacceptable use, and procedures that must be followed.

Computer access is available first to those students doing research or homework. If a student needs to use a computer for academic purposes when all computers are in use, those not involved in academic pursuits will be required to relinquish their workstations.

The Internet, an information resource, enables the Watson Library to provide information not otherwise available within the limitations of its own collection. It allows us access to ideas, information, and commentary from around the world. The Internet is an unregulated medium, making available resources that are significant but designed for a highly diverse user population with highly diverse information needs. While it offers access to a wealth of materials that may be personally, professionally, and culturally enriching to individuals of all ages, it also enables access to some materials that may be erroneous, out-of-date, illegal, offensive, controversial, or sexually explicit.

It is not possible for the Watson Library staff to review and protect users from all such information. Users must, therefore, exercise their responsibility as discriminating information users by questioning the validity and appropriateness of information available through the Internet, just as they question the appropriateness and validity of printed materials for their research purposes.

Users should exercise caution when transmitting personal or sensitive information via the Internet. Network communications occur in an unsecured environment.

  • Examples include:
  • Social security number
  • Credit card or other financial information
  • Address or telephone number

The Watson Library accepts no responsibility for harm caused directly or indirectly by use of the Internet.  For your protection, please remember to logout of the computer when you are finished.

Acceptable Use
Acceptable use includes Internet access supporting instructional, cultural, social and community service programs of Kilgore College. The computer workstations in the Watson Library may be used in support of education or research.

The Bone Learning Center on the second floor of the library contains an open computer lab that may be used for more than just research purposes.  However, when the lab is scheduled for classes students not enrolled in those classes will need to us computers located elsewhere in the library or on campus.

Unacceptable Use
Unacceptable use includes any activity which is not related to educational or research needs, including:

  • Use of the Internet for political or commercial purposes.
  • Downloading to or installing any file or program on the hard drive of any Library or BLC computer.
  • Any effort to change settings, system performance or programs on any Library computer.
  • Any display of images, sounds or text which could create an atmosphere of discomfort or harassment for others.
  • Violating copyright laws and fair use provisions through inappropriate reproduction or disseminations of copyrighted text, images, or other resources.

Internet Access Procedures
All computers in the library may be monitored by Kilgore College. Students observed violating acceptable use guidelines will be dealt with in a serious and appropriate manner. The student will be instructed to cease the unacceptable activity immediately. If the student does not immediately cease, he/she will be asked to leave the computer workstation. The library staff member in charge will note the student's name and ID number. The student will be warned that a repeated infraction will result in permanent loss of library computer access. Illegal acts may be subject to prosecution by local, state, and federal authorities.