Gifts Policy

Due to space and monetary limitations, the Randolph C. Watson Library must consider each addition to the collection with extreme care. Every item is evaluated according to the needs of the faculty and students, as well as the cost of obtaining, cataloging, classifying and processing the materials.

Gift items are appreciated, but with the considerations mentioned above, it makes it impossible for the library to accept all donations. Generally, gifts are accepted when they add strength to the collection and impose no significant limitations on housing, handling, or disposition of multiple copies, damaged, or undesirable items. The library will accept gift material under the following conditions:

  • The library accepts only those items that meet the same criteria as purchased material.
  • The donor authorizes the library to use the gift in any manner deemed necessary.
  • Although written acknowledgment of gifts is made, the library does not provide financial appraisal of gifts.
  • Donors must arrange for the delivery of gift to the library.
  • Generally, back issues of magazines and old textbooks will not be accepted.
  • The library will accept funds for the purchase of print and non-print media, equipment, books, and other library materials, and capital improvements.
  • In case of problems arising from the donation, the Library Advisory Committee will rule; otherwise, the donation will be left to the discretion of the acquisitions librarian and ultimately, the library director.
  • We no longer accept donations of KC yearbooks.